High definition professional sounder:
- 4,320 soundings per day, every 20 seconds.
- Detection range adapted to the target species.
- Low Q Transducer with Airmar guarantee.
- Scale enlarged to 120 meters.
- Focused information in hours of higher fishing activity.
- New Fortuna mode: 100 soundings in 5 transmissions, 1 per minute.
Double sounder presentation
- Scientific mode: 1.6m/layer resolution. Sounder and Echogram.
- Summary mode: 6m/layer resolution. Historical sounder in vertical mode.
Airmar Transducer
- World leader in ultrasonic sensor technology for marine applications.
System permanently open
Request at any time with inmediate response, permanently open communications, global coverage.
Vertical Sounder System
- Inertial system that ensures sounding in a vertical position.